There have been a lot of questions lately about accepted file types when submitting articles to Constant Content. To make it easy for the customers and editors to open your documents, we can only accept documents submitted in the following file types:

  • doc (or Microsoft Word documents)
  • txt (or text documents from Notepad)
  • rtf (or rich text documents, which can be saved and opened from a variety of word processing programs)
  • html (without coding – some word processing programs have the ability to “save as” an html file)
  • pdf (to be honest, this file type is not our favorite, and many customers specifically ask that articles not be submitted in pdf format)

We will not be able to open any other file types, such as wps, odt, or docx, so we will have to reject any articles submitted in these file types. These types of rejections will not count against you (unless you keep submitting in a file type we can’t open), so there’s no need to worry if you accidentally submit in the incorrect format. Just resubmit with a file in the proper format attached.

If you have other articles waiting in the queue that you know have been uploaded in the incorrect format, kindly delete those articles before resubmitting. Thanks a lot!